Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

This semester, with my internship at the Red Cross, I’ve been taking the bus into Burlington. Using public transportation is not completely new for me. It is a different experience having to rely on a sometimes unreliable ride. With taking the bus three times a week I wanted to share some tips with all of you friends that might help if you ever take the bus. Some of these are common sense and others might help on your next bus ride adventure to Burlington, or wherever you may be going on a bus.

On to the Tips:
  • Check the schedule before you go.
  • Have a printed schedule with you so you don't have to worry about times.
  • Sit near the rear door for an easy exit strategy, but if someone else looks like they need the seat more than you, give it up to them.
  • Don't forget your Knight card because that is how you ride for free at SMC.
  • When the bus is supposed to come, stand near the bus sign.
  • Know where the bus should be traveling to so you make sure you get close to your destination.
  • Thank the bus driver each time you enter and exit the bus.
  • If other people are at the same bus stop, ask if your bus has already come or not.
  • Going to SMC from Burlington: make sure to take the #2 bus.
  • Pay attention when riding so you don't miss your stop. It's not very fun to have to walk back to where you could have gotten off easily.

When it's with you, it's easier not to be late when the bus comes.

The bus driver knows I want to be picked up now.

It's as if the CCTA knew St. Mike's kids would use the bus all of the time.

As I have been telling anyone who asks me about the bus rides for my internship, it is as ‘convenient as a bus could be.’ There are two bus stops to catch the bus on campus to go to Burlington, which also means two bus stops to get off of the bus when coming home. It is only a 15 minute bus ride from campus to the Red Cross. Where I need to get off of the bus is less than a block away from the office. 

My walk to the Red Cross is less than a block. Convenient much!

Before this year, I had only taken the bus a handful of times, so the transition from ‘0 to 60’ has been a big change, which now is very easy to handle. It has been a real convenience that the bus is so near to where I am going in town. I have much more of an appreciation for when I do get to drive in a car each time. Cars are even more convenient than buses, obviously, but any form of vehicle transportation is better than walking. 

Hey look there's my ride, the bus.

One Last Thing:
Rugby has started up again and as of right now we gained 13 new players. It is going to be a great journey for them to start a sport, as I started two years ago this Spring. If you or any of your friends still want to play rugby but you didn’t go to the new player meeting last Wednesday (1/22/2014), you can still play. We have practice at 9 p.m. in the Tarrent gym on Thursdays until spring break. And practice on Monday or Tuesday mornings at 6:15 a.m. The morning practice you go to depends on your position. Come on by and play with us, you’ll never know how much you’ll enjoy it until you play!

Magic Bus by the Who

Keep SMCing,

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