Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Do you hear what I hear? It’s Christmas time

It’s that time of year again, Christmastime. My Halloween blog was very similar to last year’s, and the Christmas blog is also going to be very similar. Just because the tips are the same doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop using them. It’s getting close to finals week here at St. Mike’s which means it is that much closer to Christmas.

On to the Tips:
  • If you decide to wrap a gift in multiple layers, use newspaper in between layers of wrapping paper so you don’t waste as much wrapping paper.
  • If you don't know what to get someone for a secret Santa gift exchange, get something generic that you like. Someone else in the group might like that as well.
  • Sometimes the best gifts are the homemade ones, so start thinking craftily.
  • Go to the thrift shop to look for some cool and unique gifts for your family. Sometimes they have better items than what is new in the store.
  • Give gag gifts to those you love – when they open them they will think it is funny.
  • Say “happy holidays” around this time if you want to be politically correct; there are multiple holidays right now and you don’t know what someone might be celebrating.
  • Want to celebrate the tradition of a yule log but don’t have a fireplace? Get a video of a yule log and put it on your TV. Same great tradition and easy clean up – just turn it off.
  • Play in the snow as much as you can because nothing is better than a white Christmas.
  • Making cookies is fun; just make sure you don't eat too much raw cookie dough.
  • Get a fake Christmas tree if you don't think you can handle the maintenance of a real tree; for added fun, get one that rotates.
  • Here is my Christmas gift to you, a bonus tip: After Christmas is over, make sure to hit the stores to stock up in all of your Christmas essentials for next year.

Most of my family already knows what they will be getting from me this year.

Ice skating is one of my favorite things to do. My sister and I went in Washington, D.C.

See our Christmas tree on the left. It also spins.

The blog was already going to be very similar, and the song choices are too. I am a much bigger fan of the traditional singers from the early 50’s and 60’s when it comes to my Christmas selection. Since there are only so many songs that are in the Christmas song selection, I find it better to hear from the earlier singers with their great voices. My personal favorite song is “It’s the Most Wonderful time of the Year” by Andy Williams.

This year for Christmas I’ll be celebrating it as I always do with my family and grandparents. We have been following the same tradition since I was born of making the Polish food pierogies. This year will not be any different. In addition to going home for break, I will be heading to DC again to spend more time with just my sister in the city. When I was there for Thanksgiving we were able to take part in a wintertime tradition of skating outside in the National Sculpture garden. 

The only family picture we took while in D. C.

One last thing:
After being on the show for two semesters and writing the blogs for three semesters, this is my final goodbye — for good this time. I have been able to have some great experiences of telling you my thoughts and playing songs that went along with them on the radio, but I’ve run out of ideas. For starting as a funny idea of something to do, I have had so much fun doing this. I want to thank everyone who has listened to the show, read the blog, or looked at the tips. I’ve had a great time being DJ Q and giving you all of the tips in my head. Thank you for giving me support to have a great show.

It's been a good run and thank you all for the support.
Keep SMCing,

P.S. This blog wouldn’t be as big of a success if it weren’t for my amazing Editor-in-Chief, Sharon. She’s read through every blog, as misspelled and unclear as they are, and made them ready to go online. Thank you for doing all of the hard work that I’m terrible at.

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