Thursday, September 26, 2013

Welcome to Q's Tips: The Blog

If you're reading this blog post it can mean one or all of three reasons:
  1. You weren't able to listen to "Q's Tips" at its original air time
  2. You want to get all of the wonderful tips and write them down for future reference
  3. You found this blog on accident
Well whichever  reason you are on "Q's Tips: The Blog," welcome!

This is going to be where you can reference all of the wonderful tips I put out on the radio via St. Mike's radio station 88.7 FM The Mike. My show airs Tuesdays 12pm - 2 pm Eastern Standard Time. Make sure to tune in on the radio or via this link. I'm always going to give out 10 tips per show throughout the 2 hours and making great themes for the music that will accompany the tips.

On to the tips. The tips provided will be helpful for life in general and some to help being at SMC. For this week's show I featured the first 10 tips as following:
  • Eat more kale. Why? Because a bumper sticker told me to do so.
  • Start a silverware drop; just make sure to say that it's a thing or someone will think it was on accident. This also will help decrease the amount of broken cups.
  • Wear a watch all of the time even if you can't read it you'll look much more sophisticated and people might think you're really important.
  • You can never return a borrowed tissue, so ask to have one. But you can return a pen, so don't forget to return it to its rightful owner when you forget your own.
  • When spelling cucumber remember it doesn't begin with q.
  • Get kid's folders for class. Just because you're in college doesn't mean you're not still a kid.
  • Smile on the phone. It makes you more excited to talk with someone, especially when talking to a person on a helpline; if you are nice to them sometimes they give you free things.
  • Take advantage of everything you can while on campus. Make use of the large bill that gets you all of these cool events and clubs on campus.
  • Don't wear makeup for a dayand see what happens, or never wear makeup and join my non-exclusive club that I just made up.
  •  If you don't think you can dance, move your body in crazy ways and someone will think that you have great dance skills. I dance like this all the time.

  • Shirts are already in the making, not really though. This one's from Goodwill.

  • My daily watch of choice, sometimes I don't realize what time it is. Yet I still look classy.
You can never stop being a pretty pretty princess

This past week's show featured all of your favorite songs from the 90's. Since I am a child of the 90's I felt it was extremely appropriate to make a playlist for all of these great songs. Last Thursday I went to an Aaron Carter concert with many of my friends from rugby which gave me the inspiration to play all of the classics from my childhood. The list of the songs I played can be found here. You can YouTube all of these songs if you want to get the whole feel of them. The show title was under my friend Maggie's DJ show since for some reason I was unable to have my show up, so no, you are not mistaken if you thought that you had the wrong link.

One last thing: our rugby team will be playing on the 300's field at 2 pm this Saturday, September 28th playing against the Bryant University Bulldogs. If you are able to, come support our UNDEFEATED team as we aim to crush Bryant!

Keep SMCing,